Adafruit Displays


I’m wondering what kind of Adafruit display will work with the Pi + Elk. For example, will the SSD1306 connect to the Pi’s i2c pin? Or will the PiTFT work via on the Pi’s SPI and GPIO pins? Also, does the Yocto image have display support (in the elk examples in github it looks like you have luma support).


Yes, we have support for the Adafruit displays and luma library is installed in the image.
You can connect it to the i2c-0 pins exposed on Elk Pi hat.

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We only support the I2C displays - SPI is not available since we use it for the GPIO connected through shift registers.

The luma library included in the image is for Python 3, if you need to use another programming language let us know if there’s a library you can use. You can test this with a normal Raspbian distribution and if it works, it should be easy to add to our Yocto image.

Thanks, this is excellent information.