Elk Audio OS not booting properly

Hi, I’m quite new to Elk, I’m trying to run the OS on a raspberry pi 4 model B. I have selected the .wic file inside rufus and successfully burned to the micro SD card. however, when i power on the computer, it displays a rainbow graident texture, then shows this text (attached), then continues this cycle forever.

Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Baconbaker and welcome to the forums. No really sure what’s happening, but I would take a guess that the image is not in good shape. Are you sure you’ve flashed the image correctly according to the instructions? See Getting started on Raspberry Pi 4 — Elk DevKit documentation. And that you are using a good quality SD card of at least 8 GB?

I recommend building with the Raspberry Pi Image Builder tool. I have had similar issues trying to use regular image writing software.

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Hi Gustav, thanks for the response.

The firmware as far as I could tell was flashed properly, turns out the power supply I was using was not suppling enough amperage to the Pi, and after a quick switch the problem was solved.


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Great that you found the problem!

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