Error initializing frontend, check logs for details

I have a RP4 and a HiFiBerry DAC+ADC.
Everything seems to work well until i try to connect to sushi, I have the message:

mind@elk-pi:~$ sushi -r --multicore-processing=2 -c ~/config_files/mda-vst3-configs/config_mda_synth.json
SUSHI - Copyright 2017-2020 Elk, Stockholm
SUSHI is licensed under the Affero GPL 3.0. Source code is available at
Error initializing frontend, check logs for details.

the log is:

mind@elk-pi:~$ more /tmp/sushi.log
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning] #############################
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning]    Started Sushi Logger!
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning] #############################
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.419] [info] [main] Setting up Xenomai RASPA frontend
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.420] [error] [raspa audio] Error opening RASPA: Raspa: Failed to open driver (Operation not permitted).

Thanks a lot by advance for your help.


Have you set up you Elk Audio OS image correctly to identify the audio hat used?

See this link in our docs on how that is done: Run Elk on Boards — Elk DevKit documentation

Ilias of Elk.

Yes, I followed all the steps in that page
I can connect my midi controler with aconnect

Thanks for your reply

Make sure the hat is configured to be the right one. If you check with
cat /sys/class/audio_rtdm/audio_hat you should see the right hat name “hifi-berry”.
If that is correct, there is a case where there is already an instance of Sushi running in the background.
Make sure that Sushi was not started by some systemd script or you are running in some other shell session.

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