I have a RP4 and a HiFiBerry DAC+ADC.
Everything seems to work well until i try to connect to sushi, I have the message:
mind@elk-pi:~$ sushi -r --multicore-processing=2 -c ~/config_files/mda-vst3-configs/config_mda_synth.json
SUSHI - Copyright 2017-2020 Elk, Stockholm
SUSHI is licensed under the Affero GPL 3.0. Source code is available at
Error initializing frontend, check logs for details.
the log is:
mind@elk-pi:~$ more /tmp/sushi.log
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning] #############################
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning] Started Sushi Logger!
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.202] [warning] #############################
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.419] [info] [main] Setting up Xenomai RASPA frontend
[2022-10-25 01:30:57.420] [error] [raspa audio] Error opening RASPA: Raspa: Failed to open driver (Operation not permitted).
Thanks a lot by advance for your help.