Hi Gustav !
Thank you for your answer. I had the same analysis concerning ALSA, but I do not know what happens, because sound plugins work fine (OBXD for instance). In order to understand, I give you what I have set so far, and the log.
First, SUSHI config file, then SUSHI service systemd file :
more ~/config_files/config_play_through.json
"host_config" : {
"samplerate" : 48000,
"tempo_sync" : "internal",
"playing_mode" : "stopped"
"tracks" : [
"name" : "main",
"mode" : "stereo",
"inputs" : [ ],
"outputs" : [ ],
"plugins" : [
"uid" : "sushi.testing.transposer",
"name" : "transposer",
"type" : "internal"
"midi" : {
"track_connections": [
"port": 0,
"channel": 0,
"track": "main",
"raw_midi": false
"track_out_connections": [
"port": 0,
"channel": 0,
"track": "main"
more /lib/systemd/system/sushi.service
Description=sushi starting service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sushi -r -c /home/mind/config_files/config_play_through.json --log-level=debug
1. I start monitoring MIDI in and out with aseqdump (129) :
mind@elk-pi:~$ aseqdump | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s:%s:%s.%s %s\n' "$(date +%H)" "$(date +%M)" "$(date +%S)" "$(date +%3N)" "$line"; done &
[1] 358
mind@elk-pi:~$ aconnect 20 129
mind@elk-pi:~$ 20:05:15.404 Waiting for data at port 129:0. Press Ctrl+C to end.
20:05:15.418 Source Event Ch Data
20:05:15.431 0:1 Port subscribed 20:0 -> 129:0
aconnect 128:1 129
mind@elk-pi:~$ 20:05:31.846 0:1 Port subscribed 128:1 -> 129:0
2. I played 3 different notes on the USB MIDI keyboard (I display only the first note on/off). Sent via 20, received via 128:1. Below the log thanks to aseqdump
20:05:43.910 20:0 Note on 0, note 48, velocity 112
20:05:44.042 20:0 Note off 0, note 48, velocity 0
20:05:45.370 128:1 Note on 0, note 48, velocity 112
20:05:45.501 128:1 Note off 0, note 48, velocity 0
3. I looked at the SUSHI log.
mind@elk-pi:~$ more /tmp/sushi.log
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.117] [warning] #############################
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.117] [warning] Started Sushi Logger!
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.117] [warning] #############################
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.290] [info] [main] Setting up Xenomai RASPA frontend
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.297] [info] [jsonconfig] Setting engine sample rate to 48000.0
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.298] [info] [jsonconfig] Setting engine playing mode to stopped
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.298] [info] [jsonconfig] Setting engine tempo sync mode to internal
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.298] [debug] [engine] Succesfully registered processor main.
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.298] [info] [engine] Track main successfully added to engine
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.298] [debug] [jsonconfig] Successfully added track "main" to the engine
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [debug] [engine] Succesfully registered processor transposer.
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [debug] [jsonconfig] Successfully added Plugin "transposer" to Chain "main"
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [debug] [jsonconfig] Successfully added Track main to the engine
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [info] [jsonconfig] Successfully configured engine with tracks in JSON config file "/home/mind/config_files/config_play_through.json"
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [info] [midi dispatcher] Connected MIDI port "0" to track ID "0"
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [info] [midi dispatcher] Connected MIDI from track ID "0" to port "0" with channel 0
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [info] [jsonconfig] Config file does not have CV/Gate definitions
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.299] [info] [jsonconfig] Config file does not have any Event definitions
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_tracks called
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_processor_parameters called with processor 0
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_processor_id called with processor main
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_parameter_id called with processor 0 and parameter gain
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [info] [osc frontend] Added osc callback /parameter/main/gain
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_processor_id called with processor main
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_parameter_id called with processor 0 and parameter pan
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [info] [osc frontend] Added osc callback /parameter/main/pan
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_track_processors called for track: 0
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.301] [debug] [controller] get_processor_parameters called with processor 1
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [debug] [controller] get_processor_id called with processor transposer
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [debug] [controller] get_parameter_id called with processor 1 and parameter transpose
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [info] [osc frontend] Added osc callback /parameter/transposer/transpose
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [debug] [controller] get_processor_id called with processor transposer
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [info] [osc frontend] Added osc callback /bypass/transposer
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [debug] [controller] get_processor_id called with processor main
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [info] [osc frontend] Added osc callback /keyboard_event/main
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.305] [info] [jsonconfig] Config file does not have OSC mapping definitions
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.317] [info] [alsamidi] Created Alsa Midi port listen:in
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.318] [info] [alsamidi] Created Alsa Midi port read:out
[2021-11-10 20:04:22.397] [info] [main] Starting gRPC server with address: [::]:51051
[2021-11-10 20:05:43.898] [debug] [alsamidi] Received midi message: [90 30 70 0], port0, timestamp: 76337813
[2021-11-10 20:05:43.899] [debug] [midi dispatcher] Dispatching midi [90 30 70 0], timestamp: 77796889
[2021-11-10 20:05:44.030] [debug] [alsamidi] Received midi message: [80 30 0 0], port0, timestamp: 76469819
[2021-11-10 20:05:44.031] [debug] [midi dispatcher] Dispatching midi [80 30 0 0], timestamp: 77928556
4. Analysis. Only the first note on/off appears in the log, with max 1ms delay between Received and Dispatching. Therefore, the problem seems to be between Sushi Dispatching (43.899/44.031) and aconnect 128:1 129
I can share other relevant settings as you like, and maybe an example with midish could help comparing.
Note : Unplugging the HDMI screen improved the ability to connect via SSH. Unplugging the QWERTY keyboard did not improve anything.
Thank you again in advance !