Trouble with RPi images


I have an RPi 3B+ and HifiBerry DAC+. I first tried the 0.7.2 image, which doesn’t boot (screen goes black during boot), then went back to 0.7.0 and managed to boot it but there is no audio_rtdm folder under /sys/module and therefore sushi fails to start. I read some previous advice on configuring elk_system_utils but that doesn’t help, the root cause is still that there is no audio driver installed.

Any help highly appreciated.


I had some troubles too, and finally I found a solution :
1- install elk-pi 0.7.2 on a SD card (with Etcher)
2- plug in my rpi, connected via ethernet on my local network, and boot it
3- access with a terminal (ssh mind@IP_adress_local, passed : elk), then :
sudo elk_system_utils --set-audio-hat hifiberry-dac-plus-adc #to set your HifiBerry DAC+
#to access via wifi :
sudo connmanctl
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services
connmanctl> connect wifi_xxx # choose the code for the desired network. You can tab-complete.
Ctrl+D #for quit
4- #reboot (for access via wifi without ethernet cable) :
sudo poweroff
5- boot with no ethernet cable, find IP address local, and connect via terminal (“ssh mind#wifi_IP_address_local”)
6- #launch sushi :
sushi -r --multicore-processing=2 -c ~/config_files/mda-vst3-configs/config_mda_synth.json &
7- #connect your MIDI keyboard :
aconnect -l
aconnect X Y #X = the number of your MIDI keyboard, Y = the number of your sushi instance
8- play !

ps : after trying on a rpi 3, I suggest you to use a rpi 4 (I bought a 2Go version) : zero latency with the rpi 4, but with the rpi 3 (B+) much latency…

Je reste disponible.

Bien à vous

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I just got a Pi 3 running last night, didn’t really notice any latency from a USB MIDI keyboard (Arturia KeyStation) playing the synth. Ah but I’m not using the HiFi Berry, I’m using the Elk Pi board.